The concept of “being a man” has changed over the years, and archaic stereotypes are no longer relevant. Standards are changing and traditional takes on masculinity are constantly being challenged by the modern man. Men can be well-rounded, adaptive, sensitive and accepting of differences. The modern man is now defined by himself, his own preferences, his aspirations and how he handles his insecurities. We want to inspire men to express their inner confidence and to trust their instincts when it comes to making choices about what matters most to them. Life is full of contradictions and men are surrounded by many different influences; Philips encourages men to trust their instincts and do what feels right. Discover our male grooming ranges below:
Discover tips, tricks and inspiration to get a better shave or trim
| | | | |
| | Experience our range of electric shavers, cutting each hair exceptionally close. | Close and comfortable shave. | Yes |
| | Trim, edge and shave any length of hair. A quick and comfortable shave that delivers a personalized shaving experience. | 0.4mm - 14mm | Yes |
| | Expert beard trimming tool for precise, professional results. Create a number of facial styles, such as stubble, short beards and even long beards. | 0.4mm - 20mm | Yes |
| | One simple versatile tool to do it all. | 1mm - 16mm | Yes |
| | Get an even hair trim from the comfort of your home. | 0.5mm - 42mm | Yes |
| | Trim and shave any length of hair below the neck. | Close shave - 11mm | Yes |
| | Battery operated tool to trim your nose, ears, eyebrows; and for facial detailing touch-ups. | Comfortable trim | Yes |
*Model QP2620 for face and body, remaining models beard only. All OneBlade models are suitable for the body attachment (separate purchase required).
*Source: Euromonitor International Limited, Consumer Appliances 2018ed, per body shavers category definition, retail volume sales in units, 2017 data
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