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While the sex of your baby was decided during conception, it isn't until week eight that you will technically be able to tell (although, don’t expect an answer until an ultrasound scan or blood test later on). During week eight, the reproductive organs develop and your baby will get either testes or ovaries.
Your baby’s face is taking shape and becoming more developed. Tiny facial features like the lips, tip of the nose and even the eyelids will develop this week. If you could take a sneak peek inside your baby's mouth, you would even be able to see a tiny tongue in the early stages of development – with taste buds! The eyes are in a phase of rapid development as well, which includes development of the retina and eye pigment.
Your baby no longer resembles a shrimp and is taking on a much more human shape in utero, complete with the beginnings of a neck underneath the head. Your baby only weighs about as much as a paper clip, although you may find that hard to believe with some of the discomforts you have been feeling. Your baby becomes much more active this week – twitching and jumping – however, it is still way too early for you to be able to feel these movements.
“Your baby only weighs about as much as a paper clip, although you may find that hard to believe with some of the discomforts you have been feeling.”
Perhaps the most exciting feature of week eight is the fluttering heartbeat that can be seen on an ultrasound. This heartbeat, while primitive, is a good sign that things with your pregnancy are developing well.
Your uterus has grown to around the size of an orange. Your pants may start feeling tighter. Chances are you don’t need maternity clothes yet, although wearing baggy shirts and sweatpants may be more comfortable when you are lounging around. This increase in size may cause some nerve or back pain. Stretching and starting a pregnancy yoga class may help your body adjust more easily.
Another change that may begin this week is an increase in cervical discharge. As long as the discharge is clear, and without an odor, it is simply one of the effects of pregnancy. This is caused by hormonal surges and will continue throughout pregnancy. Annoying, maybe, but there isn't much you can do about it. Wearing a panty liner may help. Watch for signs that you are getting a yeast or vaginal infection, and see a doctor right away if you suspect one.
Acne can also be a part of pregnancy. Many women develop reddish splotches on their body or face due to hormones, too. Most of these will disappear after delivery and are nothing to worry about.
Just think… only 32 more weeks to go! Don't worry, time will likely fly by much faster than you think.
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