If you’re the kind of guy who never does things by halves, the Full Beard is the style for you. No need to worry about trimming off bits and pieces of it to create the style of the moment – practically all the hair you can grow is welcome. Having said that, your Full Beard will look a lot better if it’s not climbing all over your upper cheeks at the top and diving down past your Adam’s Apple at the bottom. Shave off these extremes north and south, and admire the result.
Who’s got the Full Beard?
More and more real men. In particular, rappers, rock stars, creative nerds, celebrities plus the usual suspects: castaways on desert islands, bank robbers growing their own disguise, and Santa.
Where does the full beard come from?
Full Beards have been around since Adam met Eve. The more pleasant, attractively trimmed version had to wait for the invention of mirrors and grooming tools.
Key elements
Mustache, Chin Beard, Sideburns and everything in between.
Optional extras
Upper cheeks and neck are optional (and not highly recommended). Your mirror will explain why.
Impression the full beard gives
Manly, manly, manly. Only testosterone has the power to create something like this.
Hot or not?
Suddenly hotter than ever, full beards are appearing on billboards all over the world. Just remember to keep your full beard styled, otherwise it´ll rapidly go off the boil.
Specifications of the ‘classic’ Full Beard
- takes between several weeks and several months to grow
- reaches the top of the ears
- is at least 2/5 of an inch long all over
- may have longer sections, especially on the chin
- can be pointed, rounded or square
Variations include:
- the Long Beard, French Fork, Stiletto Beard, Amish (Old Dutch), Klingon,Verdi
- the Santa Beard (which may or may not be made of cotton wool)
- your individual choice of mustache
Top tip
Maintenance is crucial. You don’t want to turn into Bluebeard.