
Getting beneath the Balbo Beard

Facts and figures of the Balbo Beard.

Check out these facts and figures of one of the most popular beard styles: the Balbo Beard.



Who’s got one?

Celebs like Robert Downey Jr. and Eric Dane wear a Balbo beard


Where does the Balbo beard come from?

All credit goes to Italo Balbo, the Italian Air Marshall under Mussolini in the 1930s.


Key elements

Wide Chin Beard plus a disconnected mustache


Optional extras

Soul Patch


Impression the Balbo beard gives

Distinguished, artistic, elegant, self-confident, dashing.


Hot or not?

This sophisticated beard style is the current male accessory of choice on the red carpet.


Did you know?

‘Balbo’ was a common term in the late 1930s and early 1940s to describe any large formation of aircraft.


Want to learn how to grow a Balbo beard?  

Check out the How-to Balbo Beard page.