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Frequently asked


Frequently asked questions about careers at Philips


Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about careers at Philips, so you may find the answer you are looking for below. If you do not find the answer to your question or have technical issues on the site, you may contact support.careercenter@philips.com
(However, please note that resumes submitted to this email address will not be reviewed or responded to. This is to ensure a fair and compliant recruitment process that gives equal opportunity to all applicants

I want to work at Philips. How do I find out what vacancies are available?

All vacancies open at Philips worldwide are listed in the Job Search section of our careers website. Candidates have the option of refining search based on job function, location or keywords.

How do I find out which vacancies are available in the country where I live?

If you want to know if Philips has job vacancies in your country and/or functional area of interest, please visit the Job Search page, select your country of residence and perform a search using the Function and Location filter options.

Do you offer internships in my country of interest?

If you want to know if Philips has internships in your country of interest, please:

-  visit the Job Search page on our Careers website (for opportunities in EMEA and APAC)

-  visit the Campus Careers page (for opportunities in North & Latin America) 

What’s the best way to contact a Recruiter at Philips?

To make sure your application gets to the right person, it must be linked to a specific vacancy via our Job Search section. Therefore, it’s best to first apply to a specific role with your preferred social media profile (i.e. LinkedIn) or by submitting your CV/resume. A recruiter will then contact you if your profile is assessed as a potential fit for the role.

Do you have a contact or email address where I can send my CV/resume?

To ensure fairness and legal compliance in our recruitment processes, we only accept CV/resumes (or links to social media profiles such as LinkedIn) that are sent when applying to a specific vacancy on our Job Search section. We do not review or respond to unsolicited resume submissions via email.

How do I know if you have received my application?

If you have applied for a job at Philips via our Job Search section, you will receive an automated e-mail response confirming receipt of your application. Note that our goal is to keep valued candidates like you informed of your status throughout the recruitment process. However, due to the large volume of applications we receive, we are unable to personally respond to each one every time. If you meet the job profile requirements, you will be contacted directly by a recruiter for an interview.

You can always track the status of your application online independently by logging in to your account on the Careers at Philips section on our website. Once on the page, select the “Sign in” button as shown below.

careers login
What should I expect during Philips recruitment process?

There are 3 major phases in the hiring process – Application & First Assessment, Interviews and Decisions. More details can be found on “Our recruitment process” page of our Careers website.

What factors are considered when Philips reviews my CV/resume? How do I know I’m part of a fair and unbiased process?

First, we consider the qualifications required by the role compared to those outlined in your completed application. Qualifications include, but are not limited to education, certifications, past work experience, and skills. One of Philips’ core values as a company is acting with integrity. As such, we are committed to role modeling fair and inclusive hiring practices while acting in accordance to all local market regulations and labor laws.

I was not hired for a specific job. Will I be considered for other jobs at Philips in the future?

We would be very happy to consider your application again: to show your interest in a specific role and make sure your profile is considered, submit a separate application for each role you are interested in via our Job Search section.

What’s the best way to stay updated on job opportunities at Philips?

We encourage you to visit the Career Center to explore what it’s like to work at Philips and the impact you can make in one of our functional areas. You can always find a list of open positions by running a Job Search. Additionally, the Philips Talent Newsflash can deliver hot jobs, interesting company news and career tips directly to your inbox each quarter. You can sign up to receive it here

What’s the Philips Talent Newsflash? Where can I sign up?

Our Philips Talent Newsflash is a way to learn more about our company, obtain careers tips, stay connected to advancements in health technology and be inspired by the unique career experiences of those working in this industry. The newsletter is sent once each quarter. You can always sign up to be on the distribution list here.

I have received suspicious communications ‘from Philips.’ What should I do?

We have been notified of a number of incidents of people or organizations falsely claiming to recruit on behalf of Philips. It has come to our attention that these people or organizations are sending invitations for an interview and then asking money to be sent to a bank account. They make unauthorized use of the Philips letterhead in their communications. Please note that Philips has not authorized any such correspondence, and that Philips has no agreement with these parties. Philips will never ask for any kind of financial payment in connection to or exchange for a job interview. Please note that any requests of such nature are fraudulent and should not be pursued.


Philips advises candidates to remain alert of any suspicious communications. In case of doubt, you can always visit our Job Search section to check if the vacancy being referenced to in the correspondence is listed or forward the communication to phishing@philips.com for appropriate follow-up.

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